I will never be ungrateful to you, Lord!!!

I will never be ungrateful to you, Lord!!!

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I will never be ungrateful to you, Lord!!!

Father, I thank you for having been so merciful, gracious, loving, and faithful to me, my family, and my loved ones in the year 2021. Thank you for the salvation we have in your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving us your precious Holy Spirit as a Guide and Instructor throughout the year.

Your Presence is our Treasure!!!

Your Presence was everything to us. What could we have done without your Presence? Who could we have been without your Presence? Thank you for always being our Emmanuel. Thank you for always watching over us and taking delight in us to be with us. Even in our busyness, you are there. Thank you for your Voice and Direction.

Your Protection is Breathtaking!!!

Your Protection in the year 2021 was like no other. You kept us in our going out and coming in, even in the midst of a pandemic. The world was ravaged by COVID-19 but you kept us by your Grace and Wisdom. You guided our steps and surrounded us by your angels to watch over us. What could we have done without you? We were in the stores, church, in-person classes, at work, and many public places, yet you kept us in the midst of it all. You kept us in all our journeys, both on land and in the air. You showed us your Mercy and Grace and we are forever grateful, daddy.

Your Provision is Uncountable!!!

Your Provision is measureless, you proved yourself more than faithful. Thank you for providing beyond our ability. We never lack any good thing in the year 2021, you were a sufficient provider. You made all things beautiful for us and overwhelmed us with bounties. You filled our stores with plenty and made us a blessing to many in the year 2021. We cannot thank you enough. We can never be ungrateful to you, Lord.

We have come to say thank you, Father. Thank you!!!

On behalf of my family and me, we wish you a wonderful Year 2022!!!

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Samuel Aina
Samuel Aina

Samuel is a gifted teacher of the Word. He co-founded SmileKeys as a means of expressing what He believes to be God-given Principles for Walking with God and Excelling in the Christian Life. He is happily married with lovely Kids. He can be reached at samuel@smilekeys.com

Articles: 75