Living in Harmony with others

Living in Harmony with others (Day 34)

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Welcome to Day 34 of the 40 Day of return to the Lord. Today’s admonition is centered on living a peaceable life with people, recognizing that every human has shortcomings but seizing every opportunity to enjoy one another’s company despite all these faults that you know about them. Scriptures say in 1 Corinthians 13:5 that, love is not conceited, arrogant, and inflated with pride; it is not rude, unmannerly and does not act unbecomingly. God’s love in us does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it, it pays no attention to a suffered wrong.

God’s Kind of Love Produces Harmony

Humans are made to be social beings living in the world. There is a desire in every heart to be in the company of fellow humans, none of all the animals has been found to be capable of relating to humans adequately. Little wonder, there was no fit among the animals for Adam in the beginning. He needed a physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social being like him to relate with. You are admonished to live in peace with others. Living in agreement with people is possible when you have love in your heart. Scriptures say in 1Corinthians 13:7 that, love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything without weakening. May God help you and me to become more like Him in love.

Harmony in the Church

Harmony is described as an agreement that exists with believers in spirit, in word, in heart, and action. The church is not the building but the believers. The church is you and me. Enough of denominationalism, it has divided us too much. The major tool in the hand of the devil against the end-time church is division.  You as a believer must begin to look beyond your denomination to get a balanced diet of the ministry of the body. Let God help you see other believers outside your fellowship as one with you under God. The harmony of the church is the heart of the Father and a threat to the kingdom of darkness. The work of the enemy is to help us see our differences rather than focus on the common grounds we share. Jesus prayed that all believers in every nation will be united as one, having the same mind and purpose, able to bring the kingdom of God down to the earth. It is the will of God that the church is in one accord over every matter, politics, education, finance, health, judiciary, and governance. The church should have one clear voice that is speaking to the nations. The nation depicts the state of the church. The church is rich, powerful, influential, and great, don’t undermine the role of the church in the nations.

Benefits of Living in Harmony with others

  1. The presence of God will be evident.
  2. Harmony with the church results in a wonderful experience.
  3. It acts as a catalyst to hasten the completion of the kingdom project.
  4. It results in countless testimonies, with signs and wonders, and miracles.
  5. It brings blessings to the church and the nation.
  6. There will be no impossibility with the church under God.
  7. It helps to build each other up in the Lord.
  8. It increases the love and care among believers.
  9. Harmony improves partnership and teamwork in the body of Christ.
  10. Harmony in the body of christ produces a victorious church.

Enjoy the Company of Ordinary People

Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. Pride is a robber, it makes you see that you belong to a different class of people because of your academic degrees, qualification, race, color, wealth, influence, political status, position, and power. Pride works to isolate you for slaughter and become an enemy of God. Remind yourself that everything you have was given to you by God for his purpose, not to rob you of fellowship with people. 

Finally, don’t think you know it all! this will be foolish. Your wealth of knowledge is for you to minister to other people around you to be blessed. Pride will drive you away from others, it will make enemies for you because of the feeling that you are better than others. It is wisdom to humble yourself to relate with the people around you. Find a way to share time together briefly or do something for them that depicts love and care. Jesus chose ordinary men to be his friends and they eventually became the pillar upon which the new covenant church is built upon. Jesus had poured Himself into them so much that people recognized that in the disciples after Jesus had died. May the Lord help you and me to be meek and lowly in the heart like Jesus. Amen.


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Mary Aina
Mary Aina

Mary Adeyemi Aina is the beautiful woman who writes the Daughter of Zion Series. She has a clear intent to raise godly women and build godly homes. She co-founded Smilekeys with her husband and has lovely kids. You can contact her via her email:

Articles: 49