Our Year of Great Influence

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At that time Abimelech went with Phicol, the commander of his army, and said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do.  So make a vow here in the presence of God that you will not deceive me, my children, or my descendants. I have been loyal to you, so promise that you will also be loyal to me and to this country in which you are living.” Gen 21:22-23 

This is, of course, another year.  Several prophecies have gone forth, spoken by the Spirit to the church. Some are for individuals, some for the nation and the international community, while others are spoken specifically to the Church. We have heard what God has for us from different quarters, but what shall we do about them? Fold our arms and watch or join the forces of prayer all over the nation to see those things come to pass in our lives? Well, the choice is ours. I will rather implore us to daily send up incenses of prayer to the Father to see those things come to pass.

If you read Genesis 21:22-34, you will see the story and life of Abraham and how he became a great influence in a foreign land. How he earned himself an honorary and permanent citizenship in a foreign land. How his character of peace and his life of dedication to God made him a great blessing.

Myopic people rarely see beyond money, but is life not more than all those materialities of life? Abraham had more than money, he was a blessing, I mean he had great influence. He didn’t only have wealth; he had power to make wealth. He was a manufacturer of wealth. An elder once said to my ears, “I do not pray for wealth, but the power to make wealth”. He said that because that is really what God promised us, something bigger than money and the materials of life.

On God’s mind is a desire to see us both as individuals and as a body of Christ move forward and increase in our influence over our neighbours, neighbourhood, communities, societies, nation and government. God wants us to become a great influence upon our world and to so wield this influence individually in our scope of influence.

This year, God will make us a great influence if we will co-operate with him and follow the principles. There is no two way to enjoying the fullness of God than to follow his word. He will extend our tents and fill our tents. He will enlarge our scope of influence and perpetuate our influence beyond us. Do you call that ‘footprints of impact’? Yes, it is! This is the time, our year of great influence.

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Samuel Aina
Samuel Aina

I am a young man committed to following Christ Jesus, the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and fulfilling the Eternal purpose of the Father for my life. The greatest treasure I have is my salvation and my greatest asset is the Holy Spirit. NOTE: This Article was first Published on https://ainasamuel.wordpress.com

Articles: 18