The Faithful Servant

The Faithful Servant

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What kind of thoughts goes through your mind when you remember a person? Such as, how well they treated you or otherwise, the truth is the sweetest of memories you hold are those in which you were served by others that blew you off when you needed help the most. The attitude of a servant does not come by laying on of hands. Today, our world is in need of people who are lowly at heart, those who are willing to serve others without expecting anything in return. The choice to be a servant at heart is one you make daily. Deliberately choosing to put others first before yourself in love with the Master.

You are Called to Serve

The secret of your greatness in life lies in the seemingly mundane daily activities you do. Every believer in Christ has been called to do the master’s will on the earth and has been called to be great. What is the Master’s will? The Master’s will is written in scriptures for you and me to read, study, meditate, imbibe and live out for the world to see. Draw near to the Master and He will draw near to you. The world of your family, career, community, church, and ministry is hungry and thirsty for your manifestation as a son or daughter of God. Your worth is measured by your service to those in your life. People need servicing to operate well too. Take time to do something special for someone today.

Servant of Love

Jenny loves dark chocolate so much that she will do whatever you ask of her just to have those yummy little things. She could drive miles to get them because it’s her favorite. That tells me that, a person is a servant of love. Love produces obedience. No wonder, Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her Genesis 29:20. Love is an inward matter of the heart that is not hidden, it is evident in action and in words. The Master is Jesus. He is already in love with you, however unlovely you may think you are, he loves you with an everlasting love. Only believe and accept His love for you. He needs you to love Him back now.

You are Made to Serve

Jesus has been with the Father since the beginning. The brief separation He experienced from the Father when He bore the sin of all humanity was actually His dread. But all the same, He obeyed the Father and went to the cross to obtain victory for you and, me. His love for the Father led Him through the path of suffering, rejection, shame, and death in obedience to the Father. Acceptable service in God’s kingdom must be borne out of love for the Father. Seeing every human being through the eyes of the Master in love and mercy, seeking ways to be of help to them and especially fellow believers. Start today by seeking ways to serve those around you.

The Faithful Servant

The one who stands by and is devoted to the Master, who despises the world system is a faithful servant. May the Lord help you and me to be a faithful servant to the Lord in Jesus’ Name. The attitude of a faithful servant is shown in the story of Saul and his servant in their mission in search of the lost asses. 1 Samuel 9:6-8 says; “Well,” the servant said, “I have one small silver piece. We can at least offer it to the man of God and see what happens!” In those days if people wanted a message from God, they would say, “Let’s go and ask the seer,” for prophets used to be called seers.

Qualities of the Faithful Servant

  1. The servant will spend and be spent on kingdom projects.
  2. He is constantly thinking of ways to achieve the goal of the Master.
  3. The servant will hide nothing from his Master even if it seems so intangible.
  4. The servant sticks close to the Master every step in the way.
  5. The voice of God is key in his choices and decisions.
  6.   He is generous.
  7. His expectation is high, will not take a no for an answer, and is not a quitter.
  8. Thinking ahead to profer solution.
  9. Adequately aware of his physical and spiritual environment.
  10. He acknowledges the gifts in the body of Christ.

The word of God says the greatest among you must be a servant Matthew 23:11. This is contrary to the ideals of the world, the world says publish your achievements to get the accolades. Humble yourself under God irrespective of your position or title and let your light shine. Let the Spirit of God find expression through you. Greatness is God’s desire for you. He is the greatest God and wants to see you become great. But the way to greatness is service!


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Mary Aina
Mary Aina

Mary Adeyemi Aina is the beautiful woman who writes the Daughter of Zion Series. She has a clear intent to raise godly women and build godly homes. She co-founded Smilekeys with her husband and has lovely kids. You can contact her via her email:

Articles: 49