Studying the Word Part I
2Tim. 2:15, James 1:25, Prov. 4:20
Man shall not live by Bread alone
Matt. 4:4, Deut. 8:3
But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matt 4:4, NKJV)
These are the words of Jesus himself. He spoke those words as a God-given response to every satanic idea that undermine the place of God’s Word in our lives. What food is to the human body is what the Word is to the human spirit. In fact, the Word of God is much more needed. It is the substance that the human spirit is created to feed on.
Humans are wonderful creations; we are not like the beast. God created us in His Own Image and after His Own Likeness. We are spirits who have a soul and live in a body. Those are the three elements of every man – spirit, soul and body. We are not the body or the soul; we are spirit and we possess a soul and live in the body. The body is designed to feed on earthly food and we must learn to nourish and take care of our body, eating well and eating right, but not over-eating.
Our souls feed on what is in our spirit. It gets her nourishment from the human spirit. The soul feeds on knowledge, love and affection. Our spirit feeds on the Word of God and that is what it lives by. The richer and greater our spirit has contact with God’s Word, the more the difference it makes in our lives. It is from what the human spirit feeds on in the Word of God that it feeds the human soul.
As a matter of fact, for every believer in Christ whose spirit has been regenerated or born again, we cannot do without God’s Word. We must feed on it. And the way to feed on God’s Word is to study the Word of God – to spend time looking into the Scriptures, reading and concentrating our hearts and minds on what it says to us; believing those Words and acting in line with what God’s Word says to us.