How to continually have God on your side
If God is for you, who can be against you? Nothing in the world beats knowing and having God on our side. When God is for us, it means He is thinking, speaking, acting and doing everything in our favor.…
If God is for you, who can be against you? Nothing in the world beats knowing and having God on our side. When God is for us, it means He is thinking, speaking, acting and doing everything in our favor.…
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB) The moment you acknowledge Jesus as your Savior, something happens to you – the real…
The Golden Escape! Finding safety in the midst of chaos is not an experience many people will easily identify with, especially if you are not living in war-torn parts of the world. People who have experienced civil wars or violence…
The word of God is like food for your survival, the moment you abstain from it, you grow hungry and tired. Then man becomes vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy. A believer without the word falls into doubts. Matthew…
And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous–to make ready a people prepared for…
What kind of thoughts goes through your mind when you remember a person? Such as, how well they treated you or otherwise, the truth is the sweetest of memories you hold are those in which you were served by others…
This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it! It is Day 38 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. Today’s instruction from the Lord is to return to God…
40 Days of Return -Day One Take the first step, settle with God. In this 40-Day Journey, I want to ask you to make up your mind to settle first with God. Take a journey inwards and reconnect with the…
Is Jesus in Your Heart? Have you at any point in your life accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? This is a very vital question everyone will have to answer to set their records straight and secure an…
“The man without the spirit does not accept the things…from the spirit…they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthian 2:14). It is amazing to see how God’s word transforms people when the Holy Spirit operates in their hearts. There’s a story of…