Until The Veil Is Lifted

Until The Veil Is Lifted from their Eyes

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“The man without the spirit does not accept the things…from the spirit…they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthian 2:14).

It is amazing to see how God’s word transforms people when the Holy Spirit operates in their hearts. There’s a story of a preacher and a member of his congregation. After every service he would say: ‘I don’t see the point of all this preaching. You say the same things over and over again: Christ was born in Bethlehem, walked the earth, healed the sick, died on a cross, was resurrected and ascended to heaven, and is coming again. Aren’t there other things that you can talk about, such as the state of the world and feeding of the poor?’ The pastor knew his words were not reaching him. He continued to pray for him though.

One night as he was preaching about the cross of Christ, the Holy Spirit gently lifted the veil from his eyes and made known to him the wonders of Christ’s undying love. He came forward to the front of the church at the end and said: “Now I know what it’s all about. It’s all about Christ giving Himself for me…for me.

This is the state of many people in most churches. It was not the preacher’s sermon that brought this enlightenment but the Holy Spirit revealing the truth through the spoken word of God. Through the written Word and by the spoken word, he saw the living Word.

Have you ever wondered how you were converted? It was through the Spirit taking the things of Christ and making them known to you. And He is still at work doing this. As Christians we have a great responsibility of interceding for souls around us. The Holy Spirit may lay the names of some persons in your spirit. At other times, you might need to create a list of people you need to regularly pray for. It is a responsibility which God will reward.

Don’t get tired and never give up until you see the results you have been laboring with God for. It may not come when you expect, but the Holy Spirit is faithful, He will accomplish His work in due season. Remember, Paul plants, Apollo waters, but only the Spirit of God gives increase. God bless you as you stay faithful to the tasks of God in your hands.

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Damilola Francis
Damilola Francis

Oluwadamilola Francis is a passionate and graceful teacher by calling. He has flair for communicating the Truth of God's Word in a very dramatic and pungent manner. He is currently an administrator in a reputable private Christian university in Nigeria. He loves to see people come to Christ Jesus and become their best in Him.

Articles: 14