The Truth
The journey of ascension continues until you stand face-to-face with Jesus. It is a daily walk in the truth towards God and people. Each step upward is sustained by truth. Even so-called callous people want truthful people to work with…
The journey of ascension continues until you stand face-to-face with Jesus. It is a daily walk in the truth towards God and people. Each step upward is sustained by truth. Even so-called callous people want truthful people to work with…
The Lord will have me take today’s message further from yesterday’s post on “Mixtures”. Multitasking is gaining a lot of attention in this generation. It is often regarded as a strength and this can be misleading. Especially with a task…
It is Day 9 of the 40Days of Return. The words on my heart for you is to never give up trusting God. He does not come late, and He never fails. The Bible says in Numbers 23:19: God is…
Now all the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. Luke 15:1 (NASB) The first time I read Luke 15:1, I felt charmed by it. It was too amazing to be true! How would all…