Honor your Parents

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Today’s message for ascent is to honor your parents. It is interesting that the birth of a child is one of the joys that couples long for, and from the time a child is born couples get the privilege of being parents. Of course, with the new job comes an enormous responsibility to hold and nurture the little one. The baby has no idea about parents, what an amazing plan, for the babies to be thrown into the loving hands of anxious parents. Parents get to transition in their role to meet the needs of their family in terms of changing their job, apartment, or vehicles to accommodate the new addition which does not come at a cost. Parents do so much to raise a child and my prayer for all parents is that they will live long to see and eat of the good of their children in the land of the living. Colossians 3:20 says Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. This is a command from the Lord to you, for this is like a sweet aroma before God. You are not required to obey your parents in some things but in all things. There is no other person given this place of authority in your life. Let them have a say, crave to listen to their wisdom, and obey.

Perfect Parents

Children don’t get the opportunity to choose their parents and neither do parents get the chance to choose their children. If you were to choose your parents, I bet that you will choose by sight, but God is the perfect planner. He decides who gets to be together in a family. Your parents are human beings with faults and you are opportune to know them with both their flaws and strength. Your parents are God-given gifts to you to honor and love. For being your vehicle to the earth. Who would ever imagine that Mary and Joseph would be the parents of Jesus the son of God? Maybe you were born out of wedlock through a sinful act or an awful story about your birth or childhood that makes you despise your parents or feel sad about yourself. Today is the day of salvation, know for sure that you cannot change what has been done in the past but you can choose to not let that define who you are and who you become.

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert Isaiah 43:18-19.

God is set to do a new thing in your life. Your parents are not the source of your misfortune. Let God help you to see them through the lenses of His word. God has put them in your life to work out his good purpose for your and they have been chosen to do that work in you.

The Thief

The devil is working so hard to bring discord between parents and their children. Do not be ignorant of the devices of the adversary to breed discord in your relationship with your most honored people on earth. There are a thousand and one reasons why you should not honor and love your parents but guess what? Honoring your parents is one way to please the Lord, look to the Lord for encouragement to do His will in your relationship with your parents. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy. Make up your mind to bring joy and happiness to your parents. Stand steadfast in the Lord in prayer for them and give no foothold to the enemy to steal your parents from you. Parents are authorities over your life, God honors their words and prayers over you and a wise child will work to secure their blessing. 

Parents Lay Down Their Lives

Have you thought about what happens in the labor room for you to be born, both for your mom and daddy? Your daddy laid down the love of his life because of you and mummy gives up herself for you. When you had no clue about the sacrifice. Some women who are not so lucky lost their lives in the process. Scriptures say, By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command Hebrews 11:23. After birth, they keep giving up themselves to support you. 

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you Exodus 20:12.

If you love life and desire to live long on the earth, then honor your mother and your father. Go back home and submit to your parents as God has commanded you. Many young people are sick and dying today because of the sin of dishonoring their parents. Some people have replaced the blessing of parents with that of pastors or mentors. Amend your ways and set your priority right. Remain blessed!


Father God, Have mercy on me in ways that I have acted dishonor towards my parents. Help me to live an honorable life, to bring joy and happiness to my parents through my impact in Jesus’ name.


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Mary Aina
Mary Aina

Mary Adeyemi Aina is the beautiful woman who writes the Daughter of Zion Series. She has a clear intent to raise godly women and build godly homes. She co-founded Smilekeys with her husband and has lovely kids. You can contact her via her email: mary.aina@smilekeys.com

Articles: 49