Share your love

Relationships bring joy and happiness; it also causes pain and heartbreaks. However, it is important to always remember that Jesus loves people regardless of what they have done to you or anyone else. Past experiences sometimes may keep you from ascending. Experiences from failed relationships may become a weight that keeps a person bound from engaging in loving relationships in the present. The good news is that God heals the brokenhearted and there is healing for you in the name of Jesus. Every human being belongs to God and should be treated as God’s property. I agree that it is rather easy to do well to good people than to those that behave cruelly. We can look to Jesus in His word as an example for everyday living and interaction with people.

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! Romans 5:17

The Unthinkable

When man sinned in the beginning, God immediately went to work and found a way to restore man by looking past their behaviors to meet their need. God made a way for our redemption from the very beginning, and it is God’s desire that you have a deep relationship with Him. But when Adam and Eve breached the boundary of fellowship, God covered their shame. Are you so quick to expose people’s shame because you have privileged access to their life?  Feelings of rejection, betrayal, disappointment, and distrust will surface in your relationships if they have not. This is not uncommon because people are not perfect beings. Whether you like it or not people will feel hurt from relating with you and vice versa, which is often unintentional. 

Identify ways you have experienced hurt in your relationships, write out how you responded to the person involved, and write how you could have responded to save the relationship if that event ended/marred your relationship.

Love Love Love

John 13:34 says, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

Jesus commands us to love one another, why? God is love, and He wants us to be children of love definitely not some grumpy people that no one wants to run into. Have you wondered why crowds followed Jesus from town to town on foot? What kind of message did they hear, condemnation, judgment, or love? He was genuinely concerned for those around Him. How can you become more like Jesus in these ways? How do you love those that hate you? It sounds insane but it is possible if it were not so Jesus will not ask you to love your enemies. How many people are you discipleing to follow Jesus? Speak the love language and the heights will respond in your favor. when He walked the earth? You need love and so does every human being. Nobody wants to be cheated, ignored, or hated, why? Because you were made to give and receive love. This is how you tickle the father’s heart. Then you are empowered to function and attain unthinkable heights. 


Dear Holy Spirit shed the love of God in my heart. Teach me how to love like Jesus. Help me to see every person just as You see them. I forgive everyone (mention their names) and I begin to walk in the love of God in Jesus’ Name.

Share your love
Mary Aina
Mary Aina

Mary Adeyemi Aina is the beautiful woman who writes the Daughter of Zion Series. She has a clear intent to raise godly women and build godly homes. She co-founded Smilekeys with her husband and has lovely kids. You can contact her via her email:

Articles: 49