So what exactly is the way forward from here?
So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:15-17, International Standard Version).
What kind of men do we need to be in other to be able to withstand these times?
Dangerous times are invading the earth; we live with ravaging diseases and sicknesses with death at an alarming rate. What kind of men do we need to be in order to be able to withstand these times? The Covid-19 pandemic situation has threatened the rich, poor, mighty, and powerful alike. Efforts geared towards managing the situation has proved insufficient while the pandemic lingers on. Hearts are crying and yearning for the old times.
[bctt tweet=”The question is, “when will this come to an end?”. Are you asking the same question too?” username=”smilekeysonline”]
The Question on Every Lip
I hear the aged say: what is this? Confounded by the events of life that leave them inexperienced. Young people have become afraid and terrified because human existence is terribly challenged, and livelihood is becoming extremely difficult. Thoughts of a bleak and blinking future face the people; hope is gradually wearing out with policies being enacted in the nations to protect their borders. Children are getting bored with the indoors, eagerly asking “when will school open again?”. Jobs are gradually being eroded away, unemployment is not a news any more, fear and distrust is multiplied in the land, as you wonder about the safety of the environment. The question is, “when will this come to an end?”. Are you asking the same question too?
Be Careful How You Live
Carefulness is borne from the inward person of your very being, from the spirit. Like the parable of the ten virgins, the wise virgins took extra oil for their lamps while the foolish ones did not take an extra oil (Matthew 25:2-3). Taking responsibility as a believer to keep the presence and power of the Spirit of God in your heart is worth being careful about. You don’t want to toy with that. The evil in the world is consistently seeking to knock out the flame of the Spirit of God burning in you and in your sphere of influence. The manner for living and surviving in these difficult times will only come from the truth of Christ you have received and submitted to over time. This covers every detail of one’s life from family to church and community at large.
[bctt tweet=”Like Paul and Silas in chains for the sake of the gospel, their inward man could not be chained, they could not be silenced within the walls of any prison or pandemic situation.” username=”smilekeysonline”]
Victory in The Pandemic Season
Like Paul and Silas in chains for the sake of the gospel, their inward man could not be chained, they could not be silenced within the walls of any prison or pandemic situation. They simply praised and prayed in what seemed to be a terrible situation (Acts 16:25-26). Living the Christ life, irrespective of life’s situation, is the key to victory. Jesus gave Himself for our sins that He might rescue us out of the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father (Galatians 1:4). Every day is full of evil, but the case is different for believers. Jesus will deliver every one that trusts in Him.
Making the Best Use of Time
Taking advantage of every situation to fulfill the will of God is wise. Getting into partnership with God to establish His kingdom here on earth amidst chaos/ or pandemic is wisdom. Every day is full of activities that cause our time and efforts to be spent on fruitless endeavors, stealing away from the time assigned us, and leaving us tired and stressed up, with nothing desirable to show for it before God. These activities are not the things God wants you to do. Start doing whatever it is God is asking of you, cast the cares on Him.
Caretakers of God’s Vineyard
Song of Songs 1:6 (ISV) says: Don’t stare at me because I’m dark. The sun has tanned me. My mother’s sons were angry with me. They made me the caretaker of the vineyards, but I didn’t take care of my own vineyard.
The time has come to take care of your own vineyard. Take responsibility for your twenty-four hours daily and be accountable to God for time well spent. The work that has been committed into your hands is important to God. Let your brethren tend their vineyard. Stop neglecting your very purpose to serve another man’s assignment. Jesus is hungry for fruits from your vineyard.
[bctt tweet=”Stop neglecting your very purpose to serve another man’s assignment. Jesus is hungry for fruits from your vineyard.” username=”smilekeysonline”]
Understanding the Will of God
You have been chosen before the foundation of the world to serve the purpose of God, whether you know God or not. Your destiny has been predetermined before you were ever born to be a son of God, irrespective of your gender or race, to be conformed into the very image of Christ. As a son and daughter of the Most of High God, you are called to partake in the divine nature of God. It is a wealth you have left on the table unexplored. And it is never too late to open your heart and embrace the love of God for you today.
On a Final Note
Finally, the way forward is to keep looking ahead leaving those things that are behind and focus on what lies in front of you. Look away from the past failures, wasted time, busyness with nothing to show for it, past successes and victories. Your best days are ahead of you. Keep looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.