Today is the Day that the Lord has Made (Day 17)

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Welcome to Day 17 of the 40Days of Return. Today is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Many times, you make plans ahead as though you hold the times in your hand, but no God dictates the time and season. He decides who lives or dies. You are alive today because He ordained it to be so, thank God for the breathe of life that is in you. Halleluyah!!!

Your Life Belongs to God

Wake up from sleep and approach your day with the awareness that today is the day of the Lord, and you have joy and gladness awaiting you. Forget about yesterday and focus on today, you will end up where you focus. You must recognize that everyday of your life is really not yours to do whatsoever you want, but it belongs to the Lord. Today is God’s idea and everything in it is for your good. You need to consciously walk in the understanding that you owe your day to the Creator of your life. The truth is that you will give account to the Lord on how you spent your days, be wise.

How you Prepare for your Day

Honoring the Lord today begins with listening to the voice of the Shepherd for daily guidance during your time alone with the Lord. Let Him dictate your schedule and reveal what to expect today, this will help you prepare. This is where you fill your heart with the joy and gladness of the LORD. Your preparation determines your experience. Sometimes He says soak in my love, God, being fully aware of the circumstances that awaits you in the day, gives you instructions that puts you ahead. A few hours down in the day someone gets cross with you but then, you respond in love and win.

Do Whatever He Tells you

Surrender yourself to do what the Lord tells you to do and stop chasing after all the wealth of the world. Don’t tear yourself apart by bearing unnecessary burdens that the Lord has not put on you. Free yourself to do what matters the most in the heart of God for you today. Ask questions like, how do I partner with You today to see Your kingdom come? The Lord is more willing to answer your questions that your desire to ask.

Be Ready

Sometimes the devil comes with the world news to terrify you and get you out of faith, but be ready to tell him that today is the day that the Lord has made for you to rejoice and be glad. It is not that you are not concerned about the tragedy that is befalling our world, but you want to keep your heart on the promises of God. Keep the good news and spread it everywhere you go.

Prayers; Let’s Talk to God

  1. I declare that this is the day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
  2. Thank you, Lord, for keeping my spirit soul and body secured in Your love.
  3. I owe all to you LORD.
  4. Father God, I commit today into your hands, have Your way dear Lord.
  5. Father God use today for your glory in my life and household.
  6. Father God order my life into greatness and glory.
  7. Prepare me for whatever lies ahead of me today.
  8. Help me to do Your will today.
  9. Remind me always to spread the good news everywhere I go.
  10. Help me to be a doer of your will.
  11. Help me to be wise in using my 24 hours.
  12. Open my eyes to activities that are irrelevant to my destiny.
  13. Remind me to pay close attention to all Your ways.
  14. Father God reveal Your good plan to me.
  15. Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done in my life today in Jesus Name.
  16. I surrender my life to run Your schedule alone.
  17. Thank you, Lord for Your word is perfect.



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Mary Aina
Mary Aina

Mary Adeyemi Aina is the beautiful woman who writes the Daughter of Zion Series. She has a clear intent to raise godly women and build godly homes. She co-founded Smilekeys with her husband and has lovely kids. You can contact her via her email:

Articles: 49