Whatever Jesus Tells You

Whatever Jesus Tells You, Make Sure that You do It! (Day 21)

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Welcome to Day 21 of the 40Days of Return. Yesterday, I wrote about how to identify the will and leading of the Lord. Today, I want to charge you with the same warning Mary gave to the servers at the wedding at Cana in Galilee.

Obedience is Far Better!

The scripture says in John 2:5: Mary then went to the servers and told them, “Whatever Jesus tells you, make sure that you do it!” Developing your ability to listen to God and identify his leading and guidance for your life and daily decision is good, but better than that is your commitment to obey him and do whatever he tells you.

The faith walk is much interesting and fun when we receive guidance from the Lord and hear his voice concerning our everyday life. But I can tell you something much more fun than that: doing what God says to you! The scripture says in 1 Samuel 15:22: Obedience is far better than sacrifice. He is much more interested in your listening to him than in your offering the fat of rams to him.

Mary’s Credible Counsel

Mary had lived with Jesus and come face to face with the realities and blessings of doing whatever his earthly son and Lord ask her to do. She had experienced countless times when Jesus asked her to do things that did not make sense to the human mind, but with amazing results. So, she definitely knew what she was talking about.

Mary was a woman who trusted the Lord. She had always been a woman of unwavering faith, always submissive to the leading and will of the Lord for her life. Remember the day an angel came to tell her that strange announcement: “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David (Luke 1:30-32).

Imitating Godly Example

Mary’s response to the angel is a classic example for the believer today: “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her (Luke 1:38). Mary understood the implications of what the angel had just told her, yet she said, “Yes, Lord!”.

That same Mary was the one giving the servers, including you and me today, the counsel to “make sure that you do whatever Jesus tells you”. Friends, there is no doubt that Jesus still speaks to situations in our lives, the question is, are you listening to his leading and guidance? Are you obeying him and doing whatever he says? Are you following his counsel to you?

Remember the counsel is ‘Whatever’ He says to you, do! As you go through life today, remember the counsel of the godly woman to you: “Whatever Jesus tells you, make sure that you do it!”.

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Samuel Aina
Samuel Aina

Samuel is a gifted teacher of the Word. He co-founded SmileKeys as a means of expressing what He believes to be God-given Principles for Walking with God and Excelling in the Christian Life. He is happily married with lovely Kids. He can be reached at samuel@smilekeys.com

Articles: 75