Today’s ascension message is centered on God’s generosity to all mankind. God’s kind of generosity is amazing! God gave up His only Son to die a shameful death for our redemption. It is interesting to note that the most appropriate…
Today’s ascension message is centered on God’s generosity to all mankind. God’s kind of generosity is amazing! God gave up His only Son to die a shameful death for our redemption. It is interesting to note that the most appropriate…
Today’s message of ascension is centered on wisdom, one of the attributes of Daniel. Wisdom is regarded as the principal thing, the first asset to get. Notice that when scriptures say a person is filled with the Spirit of God;…
The journey of ascension continues until you stand face-to-face with Jesus. It is a daily walk in the truth towards God and people. Each step upward is sustained by truth. Even so-called callous people want truthful people to work with…
The King of kings has set a place for young men and women who are without blemish, but good-looking in His service. People who are youthful, those who rely on the strength that comes from God to thrive in every…
Ascension begins with the knowledge of the Holy One, and the wisdom demonstrated as a result of the fear of the Lord. Pharoah neither reverenced the word of the Lord nor His name and lost everything, he went down to…
God has put His Spirit in your heart to show that you belong to Him. To help you ascend to the heights He desires for you in God. It is important to know the advantages of having the Holy Spirit…
Ascension is made possible by who you know. Do you know the Holy Spirit and does He know you? In the beginning, God said let us make mankind in Our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion… Genesis…
Today’s message of ascension is taken from the life of Daniel. We want to see how Daniel went from being a captive in a faraway nation to serving in the highest position possible as the world leader of his time.…
The attitude of thanksgiving sets a person on altitudes that are attainable with God. The heart of gratitude looks at the completed work of Jesus and responds to life events through those lenses. Understanding that the blood Jesus was shed…
The instruction for today is to look forward. There are a lot of distractions going on in the world, seeking to get your attention. Like a Youtube advert that turns on right in the midst of a course. You must…
Knowledge is crucial to the development of any individual or nation. You need definite information to launch into the next phase of life. The kind of knowledge that sets the CEO of an organization apart from the employee. When you…
Today’s message for ascent is to honor your parents. It is interesting that the birth of a child is one of the joys that couples long for, and from the time a child is born couples get the privilege of…
Today’s focus of Ascension is on problem-solving. Troubles will come in different shades in your life and look eyeball to eyeball with you. What you do with your problems determines where your next phase of life. If you run or…
Relationships bring joy and happiness; it also causes pain and heartbreaks. However, it is important to always remember that Jesus loves people regardless of what they have done to you or anyone else. Past experiences sometimes may keep you from…
The Lord will have me take today’s message further from yesterday’s post on “Mixtures”. Multitasking is gaining a lot of attention in this generation. It is often regarded as a strength and this can be misleading. Especially with a task…
Gold does not naturally exist in its pure state. It combines with these other substances that reduce its worth, and it takes deliberate efforts to make it pure. It is most marketable and profitable after it has been refined through…
The earth is the Lord’s, not the government, and spirits, not the kings or queens of the earth. Everything that exists was created by the Lord and they all belong to Him, including all people. How will this consciousness influence…
The word of God is like food for your survival, the moment you abstain from it, you grow hungry and tired. Then man becomes vulnerable to the wiles of the enemy. A believer without the word falls into doubts. Matthew…
The breakthroughs, innovation, development, and growth our world has experienced emanated from research, and this not without the input of man. Research is an organized and systematic investigation into something according to the dictionary, while researchers are people who conduct…
The world is gradually coming to an end, and everything is crashing. The world is tired and groaning for something new. We have all come into a strategic moment in human history, and it is the peak of harvest into…
What kind of thoughts goes through your mind when you remember a person? Such as, how well they treated you or otherwise, the truth is the sweetest of memories you hold are those in which you were served by others…
Those who work in the bank, get trained on the original currency day after day by touching, squeezing, studying, and doing all sorts of experiments on it for days. Then, comes the test to identify the original among counterfeits. The…
Throughout life, It is evident that you need a voice, a word, or someone who has gone ahead of you to where you want to go to lead the way or to show you the way. Such people may have…
Welcome to Day 39 of the 40 Day of return to the Lord. Today’s word of admonition is to hold fast to the confession of your faith without wavering. Stay committed to your relationship with Jesus. Keep building on what…
This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it! It is Day 38 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. Today’s instruction from the Lord is to return to God…
It is Day 37 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. Today’s admonition from the Lord is to be prepared for the day of the Lord. To be a good worker, who knows that the time is short,…
God has been so faithful to you and me, how time flies? It is Day 36 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. It is so wonderful that it is the king Himself that sends out invitations to…
It is Day 35 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. Today’s return word from the Lord is to refuse to worry. Jesus tells us the kind of things that should dominate the thought realm. Worry is futuristic,…
Welcome to Day 34 of the 40 Day of return to the Lord. Today’s admonition is centered on living a peaceable life with people, recognizing that every human has shortcomings but seizing every opportunity to enjoy one another’s company despite…
It is Day 33 of the 40 Days of return to the Lord. Today’s admonition is about sharing in the joy and grieve of others. Life’s events can either bring joy or sorrow. There is a time for sorrowing and…